miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2019

7. English drama 1800-1950

Early 20th-century drama


Jean Anouilh. Antigone. 1946
Jean-Paul Sartre. Huis Clos. 1946.
Albert Camus. Caligula. 1948.
Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie. 1945, UK 1948.
______. A Streetcar Named Desire. 1947, UK 1949.
Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman. 1949.
______. The Crucible. 1952, UK 1954.
______. A View from the Bridge. 1955, UK 1956.

Bertolt Brecht. The Causcasian Chalk Circle.
______. Mother Courage.
______. Pauken und Trompetten. (Berliner Ensemble 1956).

(A recent performance by the Berliner Ensemble: Rufus Wainwright's opera on Shakespeare's Sonnets. Sonnet 29: https://youtu.be/uRglplWwZ2Q )

TERENCE RATTIGAN    (1911-1977)
_____.  French Without Tears. Drama. Premiere in 1936 (ran for 1039 performances).
_____. The Winslow Boy. Drama. 1946.
_____.  The Browning Version. Drama. 1948.
_____. The Deep Blue Sea. Drama. 1952.
_____. Separate Tables. Drama. 1954.

CHRISTOPHER FRY            (1907-2005)
_____.  The Boy with a Cart. Drama. 1939.
_____. The Firstborn. Drama. 1946.
_____. A Phoenix too Frequent. Drama. 1946.
_____. The Lady's Not for Burning. Drama. 1949.
_____. Venus Observed. Drama. 1950.
_____. A Sleep of Prisoners. Drama. 1951.
_____. The Dark Is Light Enough. 1954.
_____.  A Yard of Sun. 1970.

 _____, trans. Ring Around the Moon. By Jean Anouilh. Preface by Peter Brook, 1950. (Trans. of L'Invitation au Château).
_____, trans. Tiger at the Gates (La Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu). By Jean Giraudoux. 1955.
_____, trans. The Lark (L'Alouette). 1955.

Christopher Fry, English dramatist,  b. Bristol, d. Chichester; Quaker; friend of Robert Gittings and T. S. Eliot.

_____. The Mousetrap. 1952-  (Over 25,000 performances)

7-8 de enero   Traed el texto de TIME AND THE CONWAYS


J. B. PRIESTLEY       (1894-1984)

Priestley, J. B. Dangerous Corner.
Drama. 1932. (On the radio).
_____. Time and the Conways.
Drama. 1937.
_____. I Have Been Here Before.
Drama. 1938.
_____. When We Are Married.
Comedy. 1938.
_____. Johnson Over Jordan.
Drama. 1939.
_____. They Came to a City.
Drama. 1943.
_____. The Linden Tree. 
Drama. 1947.
_____. An Inspector Calls.
Drama. 1947.

Unas notas sobre TIME AND THE CONWAYS.

Nivel avanzado:

Wood, E. R. "An introduction to Time and the Conways."

Y también un comentario mío sobre una representación de esta obra en el Teatro Principal.

NOËL COWARD    (1899-1973)

Coward, Noël. The Year of Grace. Drama. 1928.
_____. Bitter-Sweet. Musical comedy. 1929.
_____. Private Lives. Comedy. 1930.
_____. Cavalcade. Drama. 1934.

Journey's End. 1928.

Unas notas sobe Noël Coward.


Nivel avanzado:

Present Laughter, by Noël Coward, a comedy about acting:

Teatro irlandés (después de Goldsmith, de Boucicault, de Shaw...)

SEAN O'CASEY     (1880-1965)

O'Casey, Sean.  Juno and the Paycock.  Drama.  1924.
_____.  The Shadow of a Gunman.   Drama.  1924.
_____. The Plough and the Stars. Drama. 1926.
_____.  The Silver Tassie.  Drama. 1928.
_____. Windfalls. 1934.
_____. Red Roses for Me.  Drama. 1943.
_____. The Bishop’s Bonfire. 1955.

JOHN MILLINGTON SYNGE      (1871-1909)

Synge, John Millington.  The Playboy of the Western World.  Drama. 1907.
_____. Riders to the Sea. 1904.
_____. Riders to the Sea. Drama. In The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy. London: Arnold, 1997. 1205-13.*
_____.  Deirdre of the Sorrows. Drama. (Based on the legendary Irish princess).
_____. In the Shadow of the Glen.
_____. The Well of the Saints.
_____. The Tinker's Wedding. Drama. Premiere at London, 1909.

W. B. YEATS     (1865-1939)

_____. The Countess Cathleen. Drama. 1892. (Based on Irish legend).
_____. Crossways. Poems. 1892. In Collected Poems 7-29.
_____. The Rose. Poems. 1893. In Collected Poems 31-57.
_____. The Land of Heart's Desire. Drama. 1894.
_____. The Wind among the Reeds. Poems. 1899.
_____. The Green Helmet and Other Poems. 1910.
_____. Deirdre. Drama. 1906. (On the Irish legendary princess).
_____. The Wild Swans at Coole. Poems. 1919.
_____. The Tower. Poems. 1928
_____. Calvary. Drama. 1929.
_____. At the Hawk's Well. Drama.

W. B. Yeats, Anglo-Irish poet; b. Sandymount, Dublin; son of painter J. B. Yeats; l. London 1874-83; l. Dublin / London / Sligo; associated to Irish revival in late 19th, then Modernist poet; supersititious believer in occultism and magic, anti-bourgeois aristocratic ideals, in love with Maud Gonne but rejected; married a "psychic" wife 1917; Irish Free State senator allied to interest of Protestant landed classes, friend of Lady Gregory, lived in a tower in her land; promoter of the Irish National Theatre; Nobel Prize for Literature.

James Joyce. Exiles.
Drama. 1st performed 1919.

Other modernist drama:

D. H. Lawrence

A Collier's Friday Night. Drama. c. 1909, pub. 1934.
_____. The Daughter-in-Law. Drama. 1912.
_____. The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd. Drama. 1914, London perf. 1926.

T. S. ELIOT         (1888-1965)

_____. The Waste Land. Poem. 1922.
_____. Sweeney Agonistes. Drama. 1932.
_____. Murder in the Cathedral. Drama.  1936.
_____. The Family Reunion. Drama. 1939.
_____. Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. Children's book. 1939.
_____. Four Quartets. Poems.  1943.
_____. The Cocktail Party. Drama.  1949.

 Thomas Stearns Eliot, US/British poet, critic and dramatist; b. St Louis; Ph.D. Harvard; st. France and Germany, l. London, bank clerk at Lloyd's; married Vivienne Haigh-Wood, expressed disgust with sex in poetry; unhappy marriage, wife with mental problems, separated 1933; married Vivien Eliot 1957; l. London; conservative social critic, influential modernist poet and critic, poetic dramatist; anti-modernist in ideas, "classicist, anglo-Catholic and monarchic"; w. as poetry ed. for Faber and Gwyer, later Faber and Faber; major influence on English-speaking literary world; Order of Merit 1948; Nobel Prize for Literature 1949; d. London.

Early 20th c.
Main actors and producers: William Archer, Harvey Granville-Barker, F. R. Beenson, William Poel, Gordon Craig, Vesta Tilley, Oswald Stoll.

Cicely Hamilton, How the Vote Was Won.
1909. (With 'Christopher' St John)
____. Diana of Dobson's. 1908.

Harley Granville-Barker. The Voysey Inheritance. 1905.
John Galsworthy. Strife. 1909.
_____. Justice. 1910.

Stephen Phillips. Herod. 1900.
_____. Ulysses. 1902.
_____. Paolo and Francesca. 1902.

James Barrie. The Admirable Crichton. 1902.
_____. Peter Pan. 1904.

Oswald Stoll (prod.) C'est Chic,
_____. Hullo!
Rag-Time!  (all 1912-13)

Donde veremos una (muy breve) panorámica del teatro hasta 1950.

Donde veremos una (muy breve) panorámica del teatro hasta 1950.

Esta unidad empieza empezando por abajo, como los blogs, con lo más reciente arriba.


Seguimos añadiendo cosas en El Gran Teatro del Mundo.


Unas notas de Andrew Sanders sobre el teatro de entreguerras, de los años 10 a los 40. Consultad también vuestros otros manuales de literatura inglesa.

De principios del siglo XX, el autor más importante es Bernard Shaw.  Aquí hablan de él sus conocidos: Biography in Sound - Bernard Shaw.

A dense lecture on Shaw:


Nuestro siguiente autor será George Bernard Shaw. Aquí una película sobre una obra que entra en el programa, Pygmalion:


Hay una versión antigua de 1938 (aquí en español).

Si no conocéis el musical clásico basado en esta obra, My Fair Lady, deberíais. Aquí está, por desgracia en español.


My Fair Lady. Dir. George Cukor. Screenplay by Alan Jay Lerner, based on George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. Cast: Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Gladys Cooper, Jeremy Brett, Theodore Bikel. Photog. Harry Stradling. Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Frederick Loewe, from their musical based on George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. Music supervisor André Previn. Scenery & prod. des. Cecil Beaton. Prod. Jack L. Warner, Panavision. Warner Bros., 1964.

Tratamos primero del drama entre 1800 y 1950 (aprox.).

Pueden consultarse al respecto (aparte de San Google, Wikipedia, etc.) estos materiales:

Más madera (Nivel avanzado):

Child, Harold. "VIII. Nineteenth-Century Drama." In The Cambridge History of English and American Literature, vol. XIII (English) The Victorian Age, part One: The Nineteenth Century, II. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Online at Bartleby.com

Dietrich, Richard Farr. British and Irish Drama 1890 to 1950: A Critical History. Rev. ed.

Nineteenth-century drama, from The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature.

Simon Trussler, capítulos sobre el Teatro inglés 1871-91, y 1891-1914.

The Crushed Tragedian es un blog sobre teatro del XIX:

GEORGE BERNARD SHAW        (1856-1950)

____, ed. Fabian Essays on Socialism.
_____. The Quintessence of Ibsenism.
Dramatic theory. 1891.
_____. Widowers' Houses.
Drama. 1892.
 _____. Mrs Warren's Profession.
Drama. 1893.
_____. Arms and the Man.
Drama. Prod. 1894.
Theatre reviews in The Saturday Review. 1895-98. Collected aOur Theatres in the Nineties. 3 vols. 1932.
_____. The Devil's Disciple. Drama. Prod. New York, 1897, pub. 1901.
_____. Your Never Can Tell.
Drama. Pub. 1898, 1st prod. by Grein's Stage Society, 1899.
_____. Caesar and Cleopatra.
Drama. Pub. 1901, 1st prod. Berlin, 1906.
_____. Candida.
Drama. 1895. 1898.
_____. Man and Superman.
Drama. Pub. 1903, rev. 1905, prod. 1905.
_____. John Bull's Other Island.
Drama. Prod. 1904. Pub. New York, 1907.
_____. Major Barbara.
Drama. 1905. 1907.
_____. Getting Married.
Drama. Prod. 1908, pub. Berlin, 1910.
_____. Androcles and the Lion.
Drama. Pub. Berlin 1912, prod. Hamburg, 1913.
_____. Pygmalion.
Drama. Prod. Vienna, 1913; pub. Berlin, 1913.
_____. Heartbreak House.
Drama. 1913-16. Prod. New York, 1919; pub. New York, 1919.
_____. Misalliance.
Drama. 1914.
_____. Back to Methuselah.
Drama. Prod. and pub. New York, 1921.
_____. St Joan.
Drama. Prod. New York, 1923, pub. 1924.
_____. The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism.
Essay. 1928.
_____. The Apple Cart: An Interlude.
Drama. Prod. Warsaw, 1929. Pub. Berlin, 1929.
_____. Too True to Be Good.
Drama. Prod. Boston, 1932. Pub. Berlin, 1932.
_____. The Millionaress.
Drama. 1936.

George Bernard Shaw, major British dramatist, b. Dublin; l. London 1876-; Failed novelist, then journalist, art critic, book and theatre reviewer, anti-Romantic, advocate of social realism; member of the Fabian society, activist pro radical social and political reforms, pro-feminist, Socialist, advocate of spelling reform; vegetarian, teetotaller. Wilful defender of Stalinist communism and totalitarian régimes, advocated social euthanasia of "useless" people. Married in a sexless marriage to feminist Charlotte Payne-Townshend 1898; platonic love affairs with several married women. World famous realist dramatist; Nobel Prize for Literature 1925. Director of the BBC Advisory Committee on Spoken English from 1934.



Felices navidades, y una opereta de regalo.  The Pirates of Penzance,  de Gilbert & Sullivan:

(También está la versión cinematográfica de 1983, con Kevin Kline, Angela Lansbury y Linda Ronstadt).


WORDSWORTH. The Borderers. 1795, pub. 1842.

_____. The Fall of Robespierre
by Coleridge and Southey. 1794.
______, trans. Wallenstein by Schiller. 1799-1800.
_____. Remorse.
1813. (Orig. title Osorio).
_____. Zapolya. (based on The Winter's Tale). 1816.

_____. Pride's Cure.
Tragedy, rev. as John Woodvil (1802).
_____.  Mr H.
Farce. 1806.
_____. Tales from Shakespeare.
1807, with Mary Lamb.
_____. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets who lived About the Time of Shakespeare

_____. Manfred
_____. Cain
_____. Heaven and Earth
_____. Marino Faliero
_____. The Two Foscari
_____. Sardanapalus
_____. The Deformed Transformed. 1824. https://archive.org/details/deformedtransfo00byrogoog

____. Prometheus Unbound.
____. The Cenci. 1820.



Sir Henry Taylor (1800-86)
_____. Isaac Comnenus
_____. Philip van Artevelde (1834)
_____. Edwin the Fair (1842)
_____. St Clement's Eve (1862),

George Darley (1795-1846) 
_____. Sylvia, or the May Queen (1827) ed. 1892
_____.  Nephente (1836) ed. in 1897.

Richard Hengist Horne (1803-84), tragedian:
_____. Cosmo de' Medici.
_____. The Death of Marlowe (both 1837)
_____.  Gregory VII (1840)
_____.  Judas Iscariot (1848)
_____.  Laura Dibalzo (1880),

Thomas Lovell Beddoes (1803-49). Death's Jest Book or The Fool's Revenge, 1829, pub. 1850.

James and Horace Smith. Rejected Addresses (1812).

Philip Jameson Bailey (1816-1909). Festus. 1839- 1889

Disraeli. Count Alarcos, a Tragedy (1839).

Charles Kingsley (1819-75). The Saint's Tragedy.

Bulwer Lytton (1803-73). Richelieu (1838),
_____. The Lady of Lyons (1838)
_____. Money (1840).


Main actors and managers: Charles Kemble, Charles Macready, Edmund Kean.

Richard Lalor Sheil (1791-1851)
_____. Adelaide (1814),
_____. The Apostate (1817)
_____. Bellamira (1818),

Charles Robert Maturin (1782-1824)
_____. Bertram; or, The Castle of St. Aldobrand, 1816.
_____. Manuel, 1816-17.
_____. Fredolfo. 1817

Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868)
Fazio,  1818,
_____. The Fall of Jerusalem (1820)
_____. The Martyr of Antioch (1822)
_____. Belshazzar (1822)

 James Sheridan Knowles (1784-1862)
_____. Caius Gracchus (1815),
_____. Virginius (1820),
_____. William Tell (1825),
_____. The Hunchback (1832)
_____. The Love Chase (1837)

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd
Ion (1835)
_____. Glencoe.

John Westland Marston (1819-90). The Patrician's Daughter. Drama. (1842).
_____. Strathmore. Verse tragedy. (1849)
_____.  Marie de Méranie. Verse tragedy. (1850)

Isaac Pocock (1782-1835). The Miller and his Men, 

William Thomas Moncrieff (1794-1857)  The Dandy Family. Equestrian drama.
Tom and Jerry. 1821.
_____. The Cataract of the Ganges; or, The Rajah's Daughter, Melodrama. 1823.

James Robinson Planché (1796-1880),
_____. Kenilworth Castle. 1820.
_____. The Vampire. 1821.
_____. Success, or A hit if you like it.
Revue. 1825.

Douglas William Jerrold (1803-57)

______. Fifteen Years of a Drunkard's Life. Melodrama. 1828.
______. Black-ey'd Susan; or, All in the Downs. Nautical melodrama. 1829.
_____. The Mutiny of the Nore. Nautical melodrama. 1830.
_____. The Rent Day. Melodrama. 1832.
_____. The Factory Girl. Melodrama. 1832.
_____. Time Works Wonders. Melodrama. 1845.

 John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-79)
______. The Green Bushes.
Melodrama. (1845)
______. The Flower of the Forest.
Melodrama. (1849)

Harlequin Reformer. Pantomime.

R. B. Peake, The Climbing boy. 1832.


Theatre Regulation Act, 1843 (with additional safety regulations after 1878)
Main actors: Boucicault, Charles Kean, Samuel Phelps.

Charles Reade (1814-84). Masks and Faces (1852). (Novel: Peg Woffington, 1853).
_____. The Autobiography of a Thief (1858),
_____. Jack of All Trades (1858)
_____. A Hero and a Martyr
_____. It is never too late to mend (1856)
_____.  Hard Cash (1863)
_____.  Foul Play (1869),
_____. Put Yourself In His Place (1870),
_____. A Woman Hater (1877)
_____. Griffith Gaunt (1866).
_____. Drink.

TENNYSON. Queen Mary.
_____. Harold. 1877.
_____. Becket.

A .C. SWINBURNE. (1837-1909).
_____. Atalanta in Calydon 1865.
_____.  Chastelard. 1865
_____.  Bothwell (1874) (
After Hugo's Cromwell)
_____.  Erechtheus (1876)
_____. Mary Stuart (1881)
Marino Faliero (1885)
_____. Locrine (1887)
_____. The Sisters (1892),
_____. Rosamund Queen of the Lombards (1899)
_____. The Duke of Gandia (1908).

Swinburne @ The Poetry Foundation: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/algernon-charles-swinburne

  —Sobre Swinburne y otros dramaturgos poetas del XIX, ver aquí unas notas de George Sampson: http://vanityfea.blogspot.com.es/2014/12/nineteenth-century-drama.html

ROBERT BRIDGES. The Return of Ulysses.

Popular drama:
Dion Boucicault (1820-90)
_____. London Assurance (1841).
_____.  The Corsican Brothers. Drama. 1852.
_____. The Octoroon; or, Life in Louisiana. Drama. 1859.
_____. The Colleen Bawn. Drama. 1860.

_____.  The Colleen Bawn
(=Benedict's opera The Lily of Killarney),
_____. Arrah-na-Pogue
_____. The Shaughraun. Drama. 1874.
Boucicault et al. The Poor of New York. 1857.
_____. The Poor of Liverpool.

Tom Taylor (1817-80)
_____. Plot and Passion (1853),

_____. The Vicar of Wakefield. Dramatic adaptation of Oliver Goldsmith's novel. 1850.
_____. Still Waters Run Deep. Drama. 1855.
_____.  Our American Cousin (1858),
_____. The Ticket-of-Leave Men. Drama. 1863. (Early detective drama).
_____. Joan of Arc. Drama. 1871.
_____. Twixt Axe and Crown (1870).

William Gorman Wills (1828-91)
_____. Charles I
_____. Marie Stuart (1874)
_____.  Olivia
_____. Faust (from Goethe).

Mrs. Henry Wood,
East Lynne (adapt. by John Oxenford). 1866.

Henry James Byron (1834-84)

_____. Our Boys
_____. Uncle Dick's Darling

John Maddison Morton (1811-91),
____. Box and Cox.
1847. (Burnand-Sullivan opera Cox and Box)
Grimshaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw. 1851.

Cox & Box: an operetta by Burnand and Sullivan based on Maddison Morton's Box & Cox:

Colin Hazlewood, The Work Girls of London.

Thomas William Robertson (Tom Robertson) (1829-71)
Society. 1865.
_____.  Ours (a play of the Crimean War) in 1866,
_____. Caste. 1867,
_____. School
. 1869.

James Albery (1838-89)
_____. The Two Roses,
____. The Pink Dominoes,

Diplomacy (1878).


Main actors and producers: Augustus Harris (pantomimes); 

Henry Irving, Ellen Terry, Dan Leno, Lewis Waller, John Forbes-Robertson, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Helen Faucit.

Henry Arthur Jones (1851-1929)

_____. A Clerical Error, 1879
_____. The Silver King (1882),
_____. Saints and Sinners (1884),
_____. The Middleman (1889),
_____. Judah (1890)
_____. The Dancing Girl (1891)
_____. The Tempter (1893),
_____. The Liars (1894)
_____. Michael and his Lost Angel (1896).
_____. The Case of Rebellious Susan (1897).

Arthur Wing Pinero (1859-1934). (On Arthur Wing Pinero)

_____.   The Magistrate
_____.  Dandy Dick.
_____. Sweet Lavender (1888)
_____.  The Profligate (1889)
_____.  The Second Mrs Tanqueray (1893),
_____. The Benefit of the Doubt (1895),
_____. Iris (1901),
_____. Letty (1903)
_____. His House in Order (1906).
_____. Trelawny of the Wells (1898). (On the transformation of English melodramatic theatre by T. W. Robertson, "Trelawny" here).

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
_____. Lady Windermere's Fan (1892),
_____. A Woman of No Importance (1893)
_____. An Ideal Husband (1894)
_____.  The Importance of Being Earnest (1895),

Stephen Phillips (1808-1914)
_____.  Paolo and Francesca (printed 1899, acted 1902)
_____. Herod (1901)
_____. Ulysses (1902).
_____. The Sin of David
_____. Nero (1906),


George DuMaurier. Trilby.
Adapted by Paul Potter. 1895.

Edward Rose. The Prisoner of Zenda. Drama based on Anthony Hope's novel. Staged at St. James's Theatre, 1896.

Charles Dickens. The Only Way (based on his novel A Tale of Two Cities). (Many Dickens adaptations)


William Archer (1856-1924)
The Theatrical World, 5 vols. (1894-8),

Arthur Bingham Walkley (1855-1926),
Playhouse Impressions (1892) and Drama and Life (1937)

Shaw's in Dramatic Opinions and Essays,  1894-8, 2 vols. (1907). 

Popular drama

(Charles Dickens) . The Only Way: A Tale of Two Cities.   (Many Dickens adaptations).

Edward Rose. The Prisoner of Zenda. Drama based on Anthony Hope's novel. Staged at St. James's Theatre, 1896.


William Archer (1856-1924)
The Theatrical World, 5 vols. (1894-8),

Arthur Bingham Walkley (1855-1926),
Playhouse Impressions (1892) and Drama and Life (1937)

Bernard Shaw's in Dramatic Opinions and Essays,  1894-8, 2 vols. (1907). 

William Schwenck Gilbert (1836-1911).

_____.  The Palace of Truth (1870),
_____. The Wicked World (1873),
_____. Pygmalion and Galatea (1871),
_____. Broken Hearts (1875).
_____.  Sweethearts (1874),
_____. Dan'l Druce
_____. Engaged (1877)
_____. Comedy and Tragedy


Gilbert, W. S. Thespis. Music by Arthur Sullivan. Premiere at the Adelphi, 1871.
_____. Trial by Jury. Opera version, music by Arthur  Sullivan. Premiere at the Royalty, London, 1875.
_____. H. M. S. Pinafore. Comic opera. Music by A. Sullivan. 1878.
_____. The Pirates of Penzance. Comic opera. Music by A. Sullivan. 1879. Prod. New York 1879; London 1880.
_____. Patience. Comic opera. Music by A. Sullivan. 1881.
_____. Iolanthe. Comic opera. Music by A. Sullivan. Prod. Savoy Theatre, London, 1882.
_____. Princess Ida. Comic opera. Music by A. Sullivan. Prod. Savoy Theatre, London, 1884. (Based on Tennyson's The Princess. Vs. feminism).
_____. The Mikado. Comic opera. Music by A. Sullivan. Prod. Savoy Theatre, London, 1885.
_____. The Yeomen of the Guard. Comic opera. Music by A. Sullivan. Prod. Savoy Theatre, London, 1888.
_____. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Comic opera. 1891.
_____. Utopia, Limited. Comic opera. Music by A. Sullivan. Prod. Savoy Theatre, London, 1893.
_____. The Hooligans. Comic opera. 1911.
_____. The Savoy Operas. (collected). 1932.

En YouTube hay muchas escenas y canciones de estas operetas. Por ejemplo,  The Ape and the Lady, canción darwinista de Princess Ida. O When the Foeman Bares His Steel, de The Pirates of Penzance. También de allí viene la memorable canción del rey pirata, siempre de actualidad:


Apenas podemos dedicar tiempo en clase, tampoco, a Oscar Wilde. Aquí hay un documental sobre él:

The Life and Loves of Oscar Wilde

Y WILDE (1997), biopic con Stephen Fry:

Y aquí podéis ver una representación de The Importance of Being Earnest (Versión clásica de la BBC, subtitulada).

Otra versión más actual (sin subtítulos):

El New York Times reseña aquí una excelente película de otra obra de Wilde: An Ideal Husband.

La opereta de Gilbert & Sullivan
PATIENCE era una parodia del esteticismo de Wilde:


Finales de diciembre

Añadiré aquí algunas cosas sobre el teatro del XIX, que no veremos en clase.  Dedicaremos un poquito de atención a la vuelta a Bernard Shaw, y otro poquito al teatro desde 1950, en especial Beckett y Pinter.

Una panorámica del teatro del XIX, según la Concise Cambridge History of English Literature


Nivel avanzado: Harold Child, "19th century drama" at the Cambridge History of English and American Literature: http://www.bartleby.com/223/index.html

Simon Trussler on English drama 1871-91: http://vanityfea.blogspot.com.es/2012/12/the-speculative-theatre-1871-91.html

British Drama 1800-1950: http://vanityfea.blogspot.com.es/2012/12/british-drama-1890-1950_9677.html

Un melodrama favorito del siglo XIX: The Colleen Bawn,  de Dion Boucicault. En versión cine mudo:

The Colleen Bawn (1911). (Irish Silent Films on the Internet).

Uno de tantos dramaturgos de éxito del XIX luego olvidados: Henry Arthur Jones: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Arthur_Jones

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