Cuestiones tratadas en clase:
Some issues in Primitive, Ancient and Medieval
—relevant to the ancient and medieval roots of English drama:
- Proto-drama - Ritual and drama
- Festivals and disguises - Seasonal festivities - Origins
of drama in Greece - The great Classical tradition- Greek tragedians
and Roman comedians
An introduction to Greek drama:
A lecture on the origins of
drama - Greek and Roman theatre (IIT Madras).
Los orígenes del teatro: From Ritual to Theatre:
introducción a los orígenes del drama en YouTube. Y otro vídeo
sobre los rituales y espectáculos cómicos primitivos en Grecia:
Hablamos de Edipo Rey a
cuenta de la Poética de Aristóteles. Y para quien no conozca el
teatro de Sófocles, aquí hay una representación filmada de Edipo Rey, al estilo griego, con máscaras:
- Roman popular drama
- The Church's opposition to drama
- Vague
allusions to the survival of theatrical spectacles
An epitaph for an actor, Vitalis:
- Drama in the Dark Ages - The 'scops' and recitation - The
continuation of popular traditions
The High Middle Ages:
plays ; Hildegard of Bingen, Ordo Virtutum
- Liturgy and drama
- Anglo-Norman plays:
Babio, Jeu d'Adam, La Seinte Resurrection
- Tournaments, courtly love, and theatricality
- Minstrels and performance
- Carnival, Christmas, and Midsummer
Later Middle Ages:
- Corpus Christi and Mystery plays
- The Cycles of York, Wakefield, Chester, East Anglia, Cornwall...
- Clerks' plays and saints' lives - e.g. Mary Magdalene -
Conversion of St. Paul
- Interludes and morality plays: The Castle of Perseverance
- Everyman - Mankind
(description in Lydgate's Troy Book)
- Mummings and disguisings (Low and high class)
Uno de los más célebres morality
Subtitulado en inglés:
The NOAH play, from the Chester cycle:
York Mystery play: 'Crucifixion'
These medieval traditions survived well into the 16th c.
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